Status Symbols

Andrew's Status Symbol-

"The superhero, Obsidian, is one of the few openly gay characters in the DC Universe. DC writers decided that they should have an openly gay character, but they wanted it to look natural. Writers ultimately chose Todd Rice, son of the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, to join the small list of gay characters. This was due to his ambiguity over his sexual preference when asked by another hero and his many failed relationships with women. Obsidian was in the "Manhunter" series, where his sexuality was confirmed in issue #18, which came out in March, 2006. Currently, Obsidian is in a relationship with Damon Matthews, an openly gay lawyer, and has been for many years. This relationship is special, because in the case of many homosexual relationships in comics, one or both members of the couple having non-human, physical traits that pull away from the relationship being between two "people." With the acceptance of his sexuality by readers, Obsidian shows that even in the realm of comics, homosexuality is becoming more acceptable over time."

Dayna's Status Symbols-

Ellen DeGeneres is a very successful and well known comedian, she is also openly gay. I chose this photo of her Vitamin Water campaign for the status of GLBT because it shows the positive leaders that the gay community has, and the fact that a major cooperation like Vitamin Water chose her as a spokesperson shows the positive direction the GLBT is headed.

Lady Gaga is a very outspoken international pop star and gay rights activist. I chose this video of her at a concert saying her famous slogan “you were born that way” because that is what she is all about, that the GLBT community needs to be strong and fight people who want to take their rights away because they were born that way.

Ashley's Status Symbol-

Tyler's Status Symbol-

The recent hit T.V. show glee supports homosexuals with their casting of Chris Colfer, also known as Kurt, who is an “out” gay student. Throughout the show, the writers address common problems that gays face at school on a day to day basis.

Brianna's Status Symbol-

This image of is the "Safe Zone Triangle" that many people sport in effort for making those belonging to the GLBTQA community feel comfortable in their surroundings.  The inverted pink trianlge is an image originally used by the Nazis in WWII to identify gay men.  It is now used as an empowering symbol that states "Never Again."  The green circle around the triangle represents the safe zone.  When placed in a building, on a door, or in a person's possession, it means that the area is free of judgment, harsh language, and does not tolerate discrimination of any kind.

I am comforted by this symbol because I see it as an image of hope.  Hope that people are becoming more attuned to those surrounding them and more knowledgable about minority communities.  It means acceptance, and isn't that what we're striving for?